Where Are The Charging Ports?
As the world advance in the adoption of electric vehicle to reduce the effect of pollution poised by petrol and diesel engines, several players in the automotive industries have sprung up notable among which are Tesla, Nissan and BMW. While electric vehicles continue to make gradual but steady advancement into the global market, the biggest factor that comes to play in its success is charging the vehicles. While we appreciate the efforts of the countries where electric vehicles have been adopted and necessary facilities put in place, we also need to reiterate to the Nigerian government and African at large that it is time they look beyond oil that will cease to be useful come 2040. Over-dependence on oil has not helped our nation in growing as the government sees oil money as free money and as such no need to look elsewhere for revenue generation. Effects of this dependence has been seen and felt severally in the past. Is it foreign exchange shortage or the pollution in the oil pro...